
We would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to our volunteers. Without you, events and competitions would not be possible.

There is a volunteering role for everyone – even if you have never volunteered before or have no horse experience!

You will get looked after throughout the day with refreshments, as well as expenses paid as a thank you.


Dressage Writing

Essential to the running of our unaffiliated and affiliated dressage, dressage writers sit with the judges and are responsible for taking down the comments and the marks given by the judge for each test. For those wishing to improve their dressage scores, writing gives a fantastic insight into what a dressage judge is looking for.

Neat handwriting is a definite advantage! This is a great way for a dressage enthusiast to understand how judge sees a dressage test and where points are awarded. A basic understanding of dressage is required for this role. Over 18s only.

Dates we require Dressage Writers:

Fence Judging

Fence judges are allocated a particular fence in pairs. Fence judges are responsible for scoring of their fence, coordinating any emergency course stops at their fence and ensuring the safety of riders and spectators near their fence! Full briefing for this role is given on the morning of the event and you have radio contact and checks throughout the day.

If you like to be out and about and have an interest in cross country then this role is for you! Bring a friend and have a great action packed horsey day out! You don’t need specific knowledge for this role. Under 18s MUST be accompanied by an adult.

Dates we require Fence Judges:


Scorers are responsible for adding up totals on dressage sheets, collating showjumping scores or working out cross country penalties.

You don’t need to be a maths genius for this role – calculators are allowed! You don’t need to have equestrian knowledge for this role. Full training will be given, so no need for prior experience.

Dates we require Scorers:


Stewards ensure the smooth running of events. A Steward’s role includes checking competitors, encouraging and interacting with competitors, some elements of “tack checking”, and ensuring that competitions run to schedule.

This role would suit someone who is friendly, helpful and enjoys chatting to the competitors, and putting them at ease. Some knowledge of correct tack would be helpful. If you’re organised and like to be part of the action this could be a great role for you.

Dates we require Stewards: